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Home / Blog / Five of the Best Vegetables To Eat When You're Sick

Five of the Best Vegetables To Eat When You're Sick

Five of the Best Vegetables To Eat When You're Sick | Muzzarelli Farms, Vineland NJ

When you're sick, it's important to get vitamins and minerals into your diet to support your immune system, and vegetables are a great way to get the nutrients you need to help you get better faster.

When we're sick, it's tempting to reach for comfort foods like chips and pizza, but vegetables are the healthier option, as they contain antioxidants, fiber, vitamins and minerals that are linked with improved health by boosting immunity, reducing inflammation, supporting digestion, improving energy levels and more - all things which will go a long way towards getting over an illness more quickly.

Here are 5 of the best vegetables to eat when you're sick:

Kale – Kale is one of the healthiest vegetables you can eat, especially when you are feeling under the weather. This cruciferous vegetable is packed with essential vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, vitamin K, calcium and iron that help to boost your immune system. Eating kale can also help fight inflammation in your body, which makes it particularly beneficial for those who suffer from chronic illnesses or autoimmune diseases. Additionally, kale contains antioxidants such as carotenoids which have been shown to reduce oxidative stress in cells throughout your body - this helps protect against free radical damage that could lead to further illness or infection if left unchecked. Finally, because of its high fiber content (one cup provides nearly 5 grams), eating kale regularly may improve digestion and promote regular bowel movements – something important for anyone struggling with a stomach bug. Read more about the health benefits of kale.

Spinach – Another leafy green full of essential nutrients including iron (which helps prevent fatigue), magnesium (which aids muscle relaxation), calcium (important for bone health) plus vitamins A and K, among others. Spinach really packs quite punch when it comes providing nourishment when we're sick. Additionally, its high fiber content makes this veggie good choice those suffering from digestive issues related their ailment, such as constipation due to side effects of medication.

Sweet Potatoes – Not only do sweet potatoes taste great, but they're also incredibly nutrient dense too. Sweet potatoes contain loads of vitamin B6 and potassium, both key players helping maintain normal nerve functions throughout our bodies while simultaneously aiding recovery processes. And vitamin A promotes tissue repair and regeneration. Read more about the health benefits of sweet potatoes.

Broccoli – This cruciferous vegetable is packed with vitamin C as well as other antioxidants like beta-carotene which helps protect against free radicals that can damage cells in our bodies. It also contains sulforaphane which has been found helpful in fighting infections such as colds or flu viruses by boosting immune system responses. In addition, broccoli has anti-inflammatory properties, making it ideal for reducing symptoms associated with illnesses like sinusitis or bronchitis.

Carrots – Carrots contain a rich source of carotenoids and antioxidants which act as powerful antioxidant agents to help neutralize damaging compounds. They're also full of vitamin C which helps to boost your immune system, iron for energy, and tons of other vitamins and minerals.

In conclusion, eating a variety of fresh vegetables (and fruits) while recovering from sickness will ensure your body has all the necessary nutrition it needs to heal faster than if you relied on only processed foods high in unhealthy fats, sugar and sodium. While eating cooked meals is usually easier on digestion when you're sick, adding raw vegetable options into salads and smoothies helps increase intake levels without straining your digestive system. If you're not a fan of vegetables, adding some color and crunchiness into otherwise boring dishes can make them more enjoyable. So the next time you're feeling unwell, reach out for nutrient dense fruits and veggies. They may just be what gets you back up on your feet again!

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